Get started for free!
For low code developers

Build integrations
like a breeze with AI and Liquid.

Effortless conversion and data mapping of JSON, XML, CSV, TEXT.
Generate Liquid templates  using AI
Simplify integrations in Microsoft PowerAutomate and Azure Logic App
Get started today with our Forever Free Plan!

Supercharge your PowerAutomate and Azure Logic App workflows with Weavo Liquid Connector.

For the non-techies

Get your apps
integrated as a service.

Say goodbye to inadequate standard integrations and troublesome coordination between app providers.
Weavo fully integrates your applications, so you get the most out of them.
- Delivered as a service.

Reduce manual tasks and free up time
Cut the hassle of developing and maintaining integrations
No lock-in! You are free to move the integrations to you any time.
No proprietary integrations! Run on low-code with Microsoft iPaaS.
Zero startup-fee.
Trusted by
Liquid Loom Generator & Connector

Why Weavo?

User Centered - Code Webflow Template


With Weavo Liquid Loom Studio, you can effortlessly generate, edit, and customize Liquid templates (mapping between formats). This is highly time-saving compared to creating Liquid templates from scratch

Latest Technologies - Code Webflow Template

Consistent Transformations

The transformation engine behind Weavo Liquid Loom is the same used in the Weavo Liquid Loom connector for Logic Apps. This ensures that the output in production is the same as in the editor, avoiding subtle differences that can occur with Azure’s built-in Liquid renderer.

Stellar Infrastructure - Code Webflow Template

Data center Choice

With a Weavo Liquid Loom subscription, you can choose where the transformation occurs. This is crucial in European countries with strict data processing regulations.

Always Iterate - Code Webflow Template

Large Files

Weavo Liquid Loom can handle large files quickly, whereas Azure Integration Accounts often experience timeouts with large files.

Quality Code - Code Webflow Template

Data Integration Flexibility

By using the Weavo Liquid Loom connector, you can combine data from various sources with Liquid templates. This functions like a standard Azure Logic Apps Compose action but with the far better flexibility using Liquid templates.

Escalation In Mind - Code Webflow Template

Detailed Error Feedback

Weavo Liquid Loom provides precise feedback if an error occurs, such as why a Liquid template is invalid or why the output doesn’t conform to the chosen format.

Development Execution - Code Webflow Template

Multiple Formats

Weavo Liquid Loom supports conversion between various formats, including CSV, XML, and JSON, with more formats (e.g., EDI) coming soon.

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Rapid Template Updates

It is incredibly fast to update or adjust Liquid templates/mappings within an integration using Weavo Liquid Loom, as opposed to Azure Logic Apps' built-in Liquid templates, where you need to re-upload the template. This makes integrations more transparent and maintainable by others besides the original creator.

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No Vendor Lock-In

The advantage of using Liquid Templates is that it is a widespread format, ensuring you are not locked into Weavo's ecosystem. In Azure Logic Apps, you can run native Liquid transformations via an Integration Account (monthly subscription) if you use the Logic Apps consumption plan or directly on a Logic Apps Standard plan (fixed price for app service plan).

About Code Agency - Code Webflow Template

Weavo is a new company with experienced people.

Weavo is a new company with highly experienced people from the retail, ERP and tech industry.
Our Integration-as-a-Service offering is powered by our proprietary technology, the Liquid Loom generator and connector. We are committed to continuous improvement and development of these components, which are designed to be user-friendly for any low-code developer.

Contact us

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We are dedicated to making integrations
easier for everyone. Drop us a message if
you have any questions.

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We are available on phone as well.
Call us on +47 901 94 364